Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dear Blog

Today I opted for the Fifth Season all in one with amber shades. I love the flare, it makes me feel like my ankles are disconnected from my body and the zipper unleashes a hint of brown sugar for the ladies.
Then me and V went to the piggery, check out how cute those testicles are! I said V, why can't you be that huge?
Then we visited my favourite shop, The Loose Box. There's no other shop which I thinks typifies who I am more than The Loose Box.
I bought a floatation device, I DO know how to swin but I liked that this one had, subsidiary benefits.
Then me and V went to a film, I cried all the way through.
V had a soft serve, but they are made of pigs fat, so I had a soy museli cup instead.... yum.
On the way home we saw the CUTEST fellow. I love love love the three quarter fisherman pants, so hottt right now. Plus double pimp cane action, this guy was HOTTT.
When we got home I fed my rainbow kittens before it got dark, because you all know, all cats are grey at night, right?
Then I went and watched V at his resident gig at the corner of Elizabeth and Pitt. He can rock the sitar like no other.
Happy friday.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Run Can't Walk

So this Red Coat Wanker, or Really Cunning Widget has left me (and others) in the lurch. Not quite as creatively as this. So I'm now getting good experience in obscure curses...
May you die and hurt the whole time you're dying.
May your ice-cream flavour taste like shit.
May you be as perenially relevant and Friends.
May you experience a fashion faux pas confusing tights with pants.
May a google dinosaur trample you in the dirt.
May you be sentenced to a hard labour with lesbians.
May teenage girls party in their underwear in your lounge room and eternally confuse you.
I hope you get raped by a mythical beast on your next bike ride.
Hey, Randy Couch Waiter, here's your weather forecast.
